Take a look behind the scenes for our listing process!
Did you notice while you were shopping?
When browsing products on our website, are you aware that the pictures you are viewing are of the actual product?
That's right! What you see is what you get; Due to the fact that we don't have a physical storefront in the US, we know how important it is for customers to be able to see the product they are buying! Every little detail including scratches and scuffs are shown in detail so that customers aren't surprised when they open their packages.
It's never fun receiving a product or package in a condition that is far worse than what you were expecting. To prevent this, we have procedures in place so that customers are guaranteed satisfaction! In today's blog we will explain what each product goes through before being listed on our website!
Step 1. Cleaning and Wipe Down
Any club bought that is planned to be put into inventory must first undergo a rigorous inspection to determine if the product is authentic or a counterfeit, and if it passes the test, it's onto the first step of our listing procedure! Each authentic club is cleaned and disinfected and throughout the process, every time the club reaches new hands in a step of the procedure, it's cleaned! You can guarantee that when you open your package, the club will be sparkly-clean and ready to play out of the box!
Step 2. It's all in the details
Each club is unique in it's own way. Although clubs leave the manufacturer exactly the same, once in the hands of an owner, the club forms and adapts to the owner's habits and characteristics. So although you might find many of the same brand and models on our website, how they perform and how they look will depend on the condition, which we try to display to interested customers in as much detail as possible. Included in the detail portion of our listing process is inspecting the club to get as much data of the club, such as weight, length, and the type of shaft. We even provide the serial number of the club, which is a form of proving authenticity, but note that the serial numbers are unique to Japan and can only be verified in Japan!
Step 3. Camera Ready
As stated earlier, each listing on our website contains pictures of the actual product and we never use stock pictures! Using stock pictures would defeat the purpose of our multi-step process, but more importantly, it doesn't provide accurate details to our shoppers! Once all the data required has been input into our system, we use special camera equipment and a photo studio to capture all angles and details of the club. Close up shots of the shaft, grip, and head are a must and that is what you end up seeing on all of our listings! Once all the pictures have been taken, they are uploaded onto the listing with the data acquired earlier in the process.
Step 4. What's last?
The final step is figuring out the cost! Our professionals determine pricing based on the condition of the club. Everything from scratches, dents, or other imperfections are factored into what the final pricing is when it's listed! Once that's determined, it's then listed and what you see on our website!
Striving for the best service means to go above and beyond; At GOLF Partner, providing the best service is our top priority! When you open up a package and see that shiny club, just know that our team members are grateful that GOLF Partner is your go-to shop!