Scotty Cameron Counterfeit Checklist

A Checklist On How To Spot Counterfeit Scotty Cameron Putters

Introduction In this blog, we delve into the intricacies of spotting counterfeit Scotty Cameron putters. We will be comparing the counterfeit and authentic versions of the Studio Select Newport 2,...
g430 max fake and real comparison

PING G430 Driver Comparison: Unveiling the Real from the Fake!

Comparing REAL and FAKE PING G430 MAX In the world of golf equipment, authenticity matters. Whether you're a seasoned pro or a casual player, knowing the difference between genuine and...
Unveiling the Secrets: Cutting Open Authentic and Fake Golf Clubs!

Unveiling the Secrets: Cutting Open Authentic and Fake Golf Clubs!

Introduction Hey, golf enthusiasts! Kondou here from Katomaister, and today, we're about to embark on an exciting journey – a deep dive into the internal structures of both genuine and...
authentic vs fake stealth driver performance review

Stealth Driver Comparison: Unveiling the Real from the Fake!

Introduction Greetings, fellow golf enthusiasts! I'm Nakayama, your go-to source for all things golf gear. Building on our previous exploration of counterfeit XXIO drivers, where we dissected the performance disparities between...
Performance Comparison and Difference: Real And Fake XXIO12

Performance Comparison and Difference: Real And Fake XXIO12

When it comes to investing in golf equipment, particularly high-end clubs such as the XXIO12 series, distinguishing between genuine and counterfeit products is of utmost importance. In this blog post,...
PING G430 Spot The Fake

A Guide On How to Spot A Fake PING G430MAX Drivers!

Introduction  Hello, fellow golf enthusiasts! Welcome to our blog, where we delve into the latest equipment in the golfing world. Today, we are tackling the topic of spotting counterfeit G430MAX...