Consistency is key

Golf is a game of precision and consistency, but achieving that can be a daunting task, especially for beginners. In today's blog with coach and instructor, Angel Martinez, we go over a detailed breakdown of swing mechanics aimed at helping a new golfer, Jenny, improve her ball striking and consistency.

As the lesson begins, we're introduced to Jenny, a budding golfer eager to enhance her game.

First test swing: 

practice swing


Angle delves into the intricacies of Jenny's swing. He notes a common issue among golfers: weight distribution and posture. Jenny, like many beginners, tends to sit back on her heels, causing her weight to shift behind her ankles. This improper weight distribution leads to swaying during the swing, affecting her ability to strike the ball cleanly and consistently.

Angel wants to ensure that Jenny understands the following two points by the end of the lesson: 

1. Understanding what impact feels like 

2. How to achieve the pelvis from not swaying so much 


What is low point?

Angel emphasizes the importance of understanding "low point" in the golf swing. Low point refers to the lowest point of the swing arc, typically located just in front of the ball at impact. However, improper weight distribution and swaying can cause the low point to shift, resulting in inconsistent contact with the ball.

low point


To address these issues, Angel guides Jenny through a series of adjustments. He instructs her to shift her weight forward, ensuring it's centered over her ankles rather than behind them. By doing so, Jenny minimizes her pelvis sway, which is crucial for maintaining a consistent low point throughout the swing.

Throughout the lesson, Angel breaks down the swing into manageable components, focusing initially on short pitch shots. He emphasizes the importance of maintaining a straight left arm, preventing excessive clubface rotation, and keeping the head centered. By mastering these fundamentals, Jenny can lay a solid foundation for improving her ball striking and overall game.

practice swing


When reviewing her second shot, her setup and forward weight mass are looking great. Angel notes that Jenny's hips are now swaying much less but are still coming outside the ideal position. 

pelvis position


Angle mentions that for golfers starting out and in a similar situation as Jenny's, to start out with short swings and really understand how the club interacts with the turf. 

As the lesson progresses, Angel provides feedback and encourages Jenny to focus on specific aspects of her swing, such as clubface control and tempo. He suggests drills and practice routines such as pitch shots, for her to follow outside of their session, reinforcing the importance of repetition and muscle memory in golf improvement. Making great contact through slow swings and understanding club face angle is most important for her and golfers in a similar situation. 



For anyone looking to enhance their ball striking and consistency on the golf course, mastering low point control and understanding the fundamentals of the swing are essential steps. With dedication and practice, golfers of all skill levels can strive towards achieving their goals on the course.

If you're interested in witnessing the full lesson and learning from Angel's expertise, be sure to check out the video on YouTube: Straight ball striking: Low point control [Golf Tips Vol.23 by Angel Martinez].

Remember, improving at golf is a journey, and every swing offers an opportunity for growth and refinement! 

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